In this episode we talk about the Type and Conformation of Body. Although we use American and Old English Games as the model, the information is applicable for most breeds of chickens. So, there is something for everyone, no matter what breed you raise.
We all want birds that can perform and reach their potential. Well, this is not going to happen with a family with good conformation of body. Many breeders underestimate the importance of conformation of body.
Listen in as we take the bird apart and put back together again. That’s right, we study all the parts that make up the whole, and their importance.
This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss.
Topics we discuss are:
- Understanding the term and definition of conformation.
- How important is it to know and understand conformation of body?
- Is conformation important to know in becoming a true Master Breeder?
- Why nothing else matters, if they don’t have the right conformation?
- Why you should never overlook or neglect conformation of body?
- Conformation of body, obviously, varies from breed to breed.
As we discuss the importance of Conformation of Body, we take a look at the parts of the American Games that makes up the whole, such as:
- The head, eyes and beak
- The neck
- The breast
- The legs, thighs, and shanks
- The toes
- The spurs
- The back
- The tail
- The wings
- Over all body and carriage of the bird
This episode does a good job of discussing and informing the listener of conformation of body, but to really dig deep, and gain a greater understanding of this topic, we urge you to join the Breeders Academy. There we have programs and courses that cover this topic and other in much greater detail.
Our members also get the complete show notes and articles that support this episode.