Today, we are talking with Patrick who lives in the UK, but is originally from Ireland.
And, he raises Irish Games. He’s also a member of a group of breeders that are working to preserve these birds for the betterment of future breeders. This is a special breed of fowl that has a rich history, which goes back to 500 AD. Patrick belies this breed predates the Vikings, when they came to Ireland.
In fact, American Games owe much of their existence to the Irish Gamefowl. Not only do the American Games have Old English Games Spanish Games, and Aseel’s, they also have the Irish blood in them, and a lot of it as well.
In this episode, we are going to talk with Patrick, and help him improve his poultry husbandry practices and Farm Management practices, but we walk him through important topics, such as, how to build the proper brood pens. Here is a list of topics:
Facilities (types and sizes)
- Breeding pens (brood pens)
- Nest boxes
- Broody houses
- Dog run pens
- Litter management
- Incubators and Incubation practices
- Brooder management
- Grow-out pens
Managing the Breeder Flock:
- Rearing Practices
- The benefits of the Setting hen
- Use of mature roosters to manage the young stags (baby-sitting)
- Maintaining a closed yard (both for biosecurity and purity of blood)
- Protection from
Free ranging
- Age
- Feeding while on range?
Topics that relate to breeding, such as:
- Rate of maturity
- Mating methods
- Cock to hen ratios
- The Process of selection and culling (age specific selection points)
- Cooking your culls
- Basics of type and conformation of body
- Breeding to standard
- Genetic inheritance
As a beginner breeder, I know you will find this show and the information interesting and valuable. So, sit back, take notes and enjoy the show!
Special Note of Interest: To get the show notes, transcripts and relevant links to further information on this topic, join the Breeders Academy. There I can help you to increase your knowledge of breeding, improve your skills as a breeder, and help you to take your strain to the next level.