Dereck is a breeder of American Games from Kentucky, and a member of the Breeders Academy.
He has two families of fowl, and plans to use both families to create his own pure strain. Both families have great qualities, which he hopes to carry on in his new strain. The cock he is thinking about creating a strain from, is 3/4 of the original Woods cock. He feels the hens he has are really nice but they are 3/4 Roundhead 1/4 Claret.
Dereck sent me some pictures of his fowl, so that we could discuss his plans, and so that I could see the birds he has to work with.
But, it was the birds in the background that really caught my attention.
In this episode, we talked about:
- The first subject we talked about was the Name Game, and why it’s best to avoid those names in order to create his strain.
- We also talked about some of the issues I could see in their conformation of body and color of plumage. And gave him some advice as to the best way to select and breed them in the future.
- We talked about why the hens need to be as perfect as possible, and why it may be best to only breed his seed cocks only one time.
- Talking about hens, we discussed the fact that the selection of the hen can have a huge influence on her sons, and of the family. The selection of the hen should be of even more importance that the selection of the cock.
- We talked about why, in his case, it may be best to do a backcrossing program, rather than an inbreeding program.
- We also take the discussion of inbreeding a step further, and talk about the pros and cons of inbreeding, and what should be expected, and how to get the best results. Inbreeding is not for everyone. It’s a great tool, but should not be used as a constant method of breeding.
- We also talk about the difference between and backcrossing program and a linebreeding program. Many breeders mix these two methods up, thinking they are doing one, when in fact, they are doing the other. They are very similar, but have very different missions.
- We talk about the importance of showing your birds. But also, to not let the judge pick your brood fowl. A judge can influence the direction of a breed, and breeders need to be aware of the dangers of taking the advice of some judges, and why it’s not always a good idea to put the winners of a show in the brood pen.
- We also talk about what makes the proper feeding program.
- How much should we worm our fowl? What are the signs of a worm infestation? Can you create a worm resistant strain?
- We talked about why it’s not a good idea to medicate or vaccinate our fowl. Instead, we just need to raise them better, and to improve the strain through selection.