What are some of the benefits of creating your own strain? By creating your own strain, it gives you complete knowledge of that strain. You will know their behaviors, their breeding tendencies, what diseases they are susceptible or resistant to. You will know their performance abilities and their faults.
As a true breeder, you will have the power to sculpt and mold your strain into any form you like, with the function and purpose that you desire most, and have the beauty and attractiveness that others will most likely envy.
I’m a firm believer that it’s better to create your own strain, than to rely on others to do it for you. Anytime you purchase new birds, you are taking a chance. For the reason that there are more peddlers than true breeders, and most of the birds available are not pure, they are nothing more than hybrid crosses or mongrels. To make matters worse, many breeders only sell their culls. If you’re not one of their family or friends, most likely you are not going to get good birds. The question is, should you create your own strain, or do you continue to rely on others, bouncing around, trying to find a decent bird? For me, I would rather create my own strain.
Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley – as they talk about the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and the issues that affect breeders like you. In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we are going to discuss questions that I have asked on my Facebook page for all my followers and members to contemplate, and to give you the answers to those questions. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Join the Breeders Academy and get the complete package of Show Notes, Pictures, and Bonus Materials related to this topic.
You can also learn more about our breeding program, called the “Founders Program,” in the Breeders Academy.