In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo about the practice and importance of biosecurity. Most Breeders don’t understand biosecurity and the importance of keeping your bird safe from the exposure of disease. Some of us have strains that we’ve been keeping for over 30 years. Losing our birds to disease would be a travesty. What we are going to talk about today, if you follow it, will save your flock, and protect those valuable and irreplaceable strains. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you do not want to miss.
This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss. I know you will enjoy this episode, and learn a lot too.
Most Breeders don’t understand biosecurity, and the importance of keeping your birds safe from the exposure of disease, which can spread very quickly throughout the yard. Some of us have kept and bred the same strains for over 30 years. Losing our birds to disease would be a travesty.
This information, if you follow it, will save your flock, and protect those valuable and irreplaceable strains. It’s so much easier to prevent disease than it is to try and cure a sick bird. In most cases, birds that were sick become chronic and never fully recover. In fact, they rarely reach their potential.
Today, we’re talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, who is a Poultry Veterinarian with UC Davis.
In this episode we will talk about:
- What is biosecurity, and what does it mean to the average backyard breeder?
- Why is biosecurity so important?
- We talked about “The most dangerous infectious diseases?”
- Can medications and vaccinations make-up for poor farm management and biosecurity?
- What are the various vectors for diseases? How can disease find its way into your yard?
- How important is it to keep a closed yard?
- What about those who “over clean” their pens or clean too often?
- Does Culling play a role in improving biosecurity?
- As breeders, what can we do to improve biosecurity?
Make sure to take notes. We are going to provide a lot of good information on biosecurity and disease prevention. I suggest you put these principles into practice and developed a biosecurity program that will protect your fowl, and preserve your strains well into the future.
We specialize in the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and other breeding related topics. This includes the proper use of breeding programs.
Also, it’s our mission to provide our members a greater understanding of poultry genetics, poultry health care and disease prevention, and how to improve the production and performance ability of their fowl.
If you are interested in creating a strain, or improving your established strain, you are going to enjoy this show.
We also want to encourage you to join us at “The Breeders Academy,” where we will not only help you increase your knowledge of breeding, advance your skills as a breeder, but improve the quality and performance of your fowl.
Join the Breeders Academy and get the complete package of Show Notes, Pictures, and Bonus Materials related to this topic.
You can also learn more about our breeding program, called the “Founders Program,” in the Breeders Academy.