Old Wives’ Tales and Superstitions that Hold us Back
This episode is about “The Misconceptions about Breeding.” These are popular misconceptions that tend to hold most breeders back. And can prevent you from creating anything special or superior or great.
When I talk with the average breeder, I find that they are very reliant on “Old Wives Tales” and “Superstitions.” Nothing is based on empirical evidence or scientific facts.
I recently did a coaching call with one of my members of the Breeders Academy, and most of his questions were based on many of the misconceptions we see around breeding. I spent most of that call clearing up those misconceptions. And, he’s not alone. These are misconceptions that are shared by a majority of breeders, beginners and veterans alike.
After that call, I gave it some thought. And decided that we should do an episode of Bred to Perfection, and address them. So, called up my good friend and mentor, Tony Saville to discuss this subject, and hopefully clear up many of these misconceptions, and change the way we understand breeding, and improve the way we breed and raise our fowl.
I understand that this is going to be very controversial, and is going to rub many breeders the wrong way. It’s going to challenge what you think you already know, and ask you to think differently, and hopefully we can change the way you breed your fowl.
Special Note: Most of what we are going to talk about will be about American and Old English Games, but can be applied to other breeds as well.
There’s a lot of great nuggets of information that I know you will not want to miss.
Join the Breeders Academy and get the complete package of Show Notes, Pictures, and Bonus Materials related to this topic.
You can also learn more about our breeding program, called the “Founders Program,” in the Breeders Academy.