What are the benefits of buying someone else’s strain vs creating your own strain? I’m a firm believer that it’s better to create your own strain, then to rely on others to do it for you. Anytime you purchase new birds you are taking a chance. Because the fact is, there are more peddlers than true breeders, and most of the birds available are not pure, they are nothing more than hybrid crosses or mongrels. To make matters worse, many breeders only sell their culls. If you’re not one of their family or friends, most likely you are not going to get good birds. THE BIG QUESTION IS, should you create your own strain, or do you continue to bounce around trying to find great fowl? For me, I would rather create my own strain.
Purchasing Fowl
Ep101 – The Misconceptions of Breeding with Tony Saville
This episode is about “The Misconceptions about Breeding.” These are popular misconceptions that tend to hold most breeders back. And can prevent you from creating anything special or superior or great.
No Bird is Perfect
Whenever I get a call, from a reader, or a listener of our show, Bred to Perfection, who wants to talk with me about a bird(s) they purchased, from a specific breeder, their usual complaint is about a flaw or imperfection that they found. In most cases the flaw or imperfection is small or insignificant.
Acquiring your first breeding trio is a thrill beyond description. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For most it becomes an obsession that will last a lifetime.
There are many ways to purchase fowl, but the best way to purchase potential foundation fowl is in person. The reason I mention this, again and again, is that I get so many calls from those who have purchased fowl through the mail, and were extremely disappointed.