Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts Nancy Troiano – as they talk about the Art of Selective Breeding, and what it takes to create a strain. We address issues that affect breeders, just like you. In this episode of “Bred to Perfection Live,” we are going to discuss questions that I have asked my followers […]
Ep192 – Bred to Perfection Live Q&A
Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts Nancy Troiano – as they talk about the Art of Selective Breeding, and what it takes to create a strain. We address issues that affect breeders, just like you. In this episode of “Bred to Perfection Live,” we are going to discuss questions that I have asked my followers and members on my Facebook Page to contemplate, and today we are here to answer those questions. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep191 – Educating the Next Generations of Breeders
practices, feeding and nutrition practices, health care and disease prevention practices, and yes, breeding. We’re not lacking teachers, but we are lacking good teachers who know what they are talking about. The problem is, most are passing on old wive’s tales and superstitions, and they are promoting principles and practices that are detrimental to the future of the breed. In this episode, we will talk about the three pillars of learning, such as Education, Mentorship and Experience. We will show you how to advance your knowledge and skills as a breeder. How to get the right guidance, and how to put that knowledge and guidance into practice. Make sure to join us, because this is a show you do not want to miss.
Ep190 – Marek’s Disease and Improving Resistance to Disease with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Today, we are talking with Dr. Gallardo about Marek’s Disease. This is a Pathogenic Virus, also known as Fowl Paralysis or Range Paralysis. Marek’s Disease is by far one of the most common illnesses for backyard breeders and small flocks. Yet, it’s one of the most preventable illnesses out there. It can take on many forms, from no signs to paralysis, to blindness, to sudden death. There has been quite a bit of misinformation about Marek’s Disease. So, today we are going to address the topic of Marek’s and clear up some of those misconceptions, and give our listeners a better understanding. There’s a lot of great nuggets of information that I know you will not want to miss.
Ep189 – What are the Benefits of Creating a Strain
What are some of the benefits of creating your own strain? By creating your own strain, it gives you complete knowledge of that strain. You will know their behaviors, their breeding tendencies, what diseases they are susceptible or resistant to. You will know their performance abilities and their faults.
As a true breeder, you will have the power to sculpt and mold your strain into any form you like, with the function and purpose that you desire most, and have the beauty and attractiveness that others will most likely envy.