Today, we’re chatting with my good friend, Royce, who is a Master Breeder of Ameraucana and Welsummer chickens. Through the years, Royce and I would chat about breeding and how our fowl were progressing. We would chat for hours, discussing my latest articles in the Poultry Press. Those were great times. Well, in this episode, we continue our discussion about breeding and breeding methods. We also talk bout the modern backyard breeder and the obstacles they face, and their future. There’s a lot of great nuggets of information that I know you will not want to miss.
Ep86 – Can you Transform a Bad Strain into Good?
Most of the fowl today are hybrid crosses or mongrels. In fact, there are very few pure strains. The sad part is, most beginners are forced into starting with these types of fowl. So, what can you do? You can start by take steps toward transforming your bad birds into a good strain. In this episode, we talk about those steps, so that you can begin the process of creating a true strain.
Ep84 – Coccidiosis with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Today, we are talking with Poultry Veterinarian, Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo about Coccidiosis, also known as Coxy. For good reason too, Coccidiosis is one of the most common diseases, and can have a huge effect on your strain. For example, coccidiosis affects all backyard breeders. It affects how your offspring grow and develop. And, it can have an effect on your overall strain.
Ep83 – Preparing for the Breeding Season
In this episode, I will give you a number of useful tips, that will help get your breeding season started on the right foot. I had a great mentor who believed that preparation was the prerequisite to success. As a breeder, I took that to heart, and it has served me well for years.
Do you think of yourself as a true breeder? This can be subjective, depending on who you talk to. In my opinion, there are big differences between a true breeder and someone who breeds. In truth, not everyone is a breeder, or should be a breeder.