In this episode, we are celebrating our 100th Episode of Bred to Perfection. When we asked our listeners their thoughts on how to make this episode special, the response we got was they wanted to hear more about us, Kenny and Nancy Troiano. Well, our 3 daughters, Megan, Samantha, and Tawny grabbed the mics and did it for us. They talked about our lives’ and what it was like to be our daughters. I believe you will find this episode to be interesting, funny, and at times touching. You are going to learn many things about the Troiano’s that you did not know before, and give you greater insight into our lives. So, sit back and enjoy the show.
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we will talk about the 3 most dangerous breeders. These are breeders who use breeding practices that are detrimental to the breed as a whole. These include those who believe in combining the traits of two separate and distinct “breeds”, such as American Games and Aseels, each having contrasting characteristics and traits. Those that think they can mix the traits of two separate strains, such as Hatch and Sweater, and produce offspring expressing the best of both strains. And those who believe that Performance overrides all other factors.
This is a problem that concerns me very much, as it should concern you as well. Breeders who think and practice in this manner will never reach the statue of Master Breeder. Without the proper knowledge and knowhow to put these principles to practice, they will never reach the highest levels of success.
Ep97 – The Effects of Genetic Drift on your Fowl
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we are discussing Genetic Drift, and the effect it can have on our strains. Genetic drift is a force of nature that contributes to the evolution of species, but can also have an effect on the evolution of our strains. In fact, it can change the direction of your strain with a blink of an eye through a sudden change in the number of birds within that strain, and change the frequency of their alleles over time. Your ability as a breeder, will and can determine what that strain will become. One thing can be certain, that strain will be different than they were before. There’s a lot of great nuggets of information that I know you will not want to miss.
Ep96 – Infectious Laryngotracheitis with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we are talking with Dr. Gallardo about Infectious Laryngotracheitis, otherwise known as ILT. This is an extremely contagious virus that affects chickens and other poultry. The virus attacks the cells of the trachea (windpipe), leading to bleeding and difficulty breathing, and ultimately death. This is maybe one of the Worst and most Devastating diseases known to backyard chickens. It can destroy your whole strain, in a matter of days, and the sad part is, most don’t take proper precautions. We are going to talk about the causes and symptoms of this disease, and how to prevent exposure. There’s a lot of great nuggets of information that I know you will not want to miss.
Ep95 – The Power of Sublines
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we are talking sublines, and why they are so important for the creation and improvement of your strain. We have mentioned sublines in our podcasts many times, but we still get questions about sublines and why they are so important. Let’s see if we can shed some light on this very important practice.