Join Kenny Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they discuss the Road to Perfection. Last week we talked about what it takes to preserve the breed. This time we’re going to talk about what it takes to improve your strain, and reach a state of perfection. This topic can be controversial, and some say that breeding to create a pure strain is a myth. However, we will show you that not only is it not a myth, but it’s very possible. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep121 – Purity of Blood and the Preservation of the Breed – Part 1
Join Kenny and Nancy Troiano, along with our co-host Frank Bradley, as we discuss Purity of Blood, the Creation of a Strain, and what it takes to Preserve the Breed. Last week we talked about Crossbreeding and its consequences. This time we’re going to talk about the other side of the coin, Purity of Blood. This topic can be controversial, and some say that breeding to create a pure strain is a myth. However, we will show you that not only is it not a myth, but it’s very possible. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep120 – Members Celebrate the Breeders Academy
The Breeders Academy – From the Members point of view. In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we decided to talk with our members of the Breeders Academy. We thought it would be a good idea to bring them on the show to talk with us about what it’s like to be a Breeders Academy Member, and what the website has done for the them.
Ep119 – Crossbreeding Misconceptions
Crossbreeding is a very common method of breeding, but many are using it for the wrong reasons. The truth is, there are some unintended consequences from using this method, many of them are long lasting, and could be detrimental to the breed.
Ep118 – Prepotency vs Hybrid Vigor
As a breeder, you have many tools that you can use to create and improve your strain. None are more important, or have the force to move your strain forward than that of Prepotency. The problem is, for many breeders, Hybrid Vigor gets all the credit. The truth of the matter, Prepotency and Hybrid Vigor are both incredible forces of nature, but are on opposite sides of the same coin. One is long lasting, and is passed down to future generations, while the other is short lived and can’t be reproduced or repeated.