Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Frank Bradley and Nancy Troiano – as they talk about the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and the issues that affect breeders like you. In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we will be answering your questions. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep132 – Who Benefits from Crossbreeding?
Crossbreeding is a very common method of breeding, but many are using it for the wrong reasons. The truth is, there are some unintended consequences from using this method, many of them are long lasting, and could be detrimental to the breed. In this episode we will discuss what’s good about crossbreeding, but also what’s […]
Most breeders don’t know the importance of Selection. The truth is, selection is the difference between success and failure. You cannot create or improve a strain without some knowledge of selection.
However, when you talk with breeders, even experienced breeders, it’s amazing to see how little they know about the proper structure of the bird, the conformation and type of the birds, and the defects that exist. They select and breed for the wrong things, and then they wonder why their fowl are not progressing as they hoped. Their only resource is to add or infuse outside blood.
Ep130 – Breeding Methods Simplified (Non-Members Version)
In this episode, we talk about the various methods of breeding, and the difference between breeding methods and breeding programs. Ask yourself, are you using the right method of breeding for the right purpose, at the right time? If not, this episode is for you.
Ep129 – Purity of Blood and the Evolution Factor – Part 8
Join Kenny Troiano, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they discuss what it takes to create, improve and maintain a pure strain.” Last week we talked about the Genetic Factor, and its role in the creation of strains. In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we are going to talk about the many similarities between selective breeding and evolution, and by understanding the mechanisms of evolution, you can not only improve the way you breed your fowl, but create new forms for better functions.