Most of the fowl today are hybrid crosses or mongrels. In fact, there are very few pure strains. The sad part is, most beginners are forced into starting with these types of fowl. So, what can you do? You can start by take steps toward transforming your bad birds into a good strain. In this episode, we talk about those steps, so that you can begin the process of creating a true strain.
Ep147 – Fowl Pox with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Today, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, a Poultry Veterinarian from UC Davis. In this episode, we will talk about Fowl Pox, what causes the disease, how to prevent infection, and what to do if your birds get infected. This is an episode of Bred to Perfection that you do not want to miss.
Ep146 – What Are the Benefits of Creating A Strain?
I’m a firm believer that it’s better to create your own strain, then to rely on others to do it for you. Anytime you purchase new birds, you are taking a chance, because the fact is, there are more peddlers than true breeders, and most of the birds available are not pure, they are nothing more than hybrid crosses or mongrels. To make matters worse, many breeders only sell their culls. If you’re not one of their family or friends, most likely you are not going to get good birds.
Ep145 – The Preservation of Color, Which Colors can we Preserve?
Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley – as they talk about the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and the issues that affect breeders like you. In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we will be talking about plumage colors, and which colors have the ability to be preserved and improved, and which should be avoided. We will also answer your questions.
Ep144 – Quizzes, Questions and Breeding Chickens
Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano, Frank Bradley and Rebecca Lynch – as they talk about the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and the issues that affect breeders like you. In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we will be answering your questions that you need answers to. So, get your questions […]