In this episode of the Bred to Perfection, we’re going to talk about Mycoplasma and CRD. Our special guest will be Peter Brown, known as the Chicken Doctor. This is a respiratory disease that is underestimated and misunderstood, and one that exist in many breeders’ yards. This is a Show you do not want to miss!
Ep162 – The Value of Breeding to Age and Youth
In this episode, Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley are going to talk about why the “Age” of your brood fowl is so important for the viability of your strain. And, why you should always make sure to breed to youth. If you are in favor of breeding your stags with your pullets, or breeding your old cock with your old hens, this show is for you. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep161 – The Power of Sublines
In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we will discuss sublines, and why they are so important for the creation and improvement of your strain. We have mentioned sublines in our podcasts many times, but we still get questions about sublines and why they are so important. Let’s see if we can shed some light on this very important practice.
Ep160 – Difference Between Seed Fowl and Foundation Fowl
There’s a lot of confusion in this area. I see so many breeders calling their Foundation Fowl “Seed Fowl”, and calling their Seed Fowl “Foundation Fowl.” To make matters worse, they skip any and all regards or reference to the stage in the middle, the Transitional Stage, which I call my Transitional Fowl. It is my hope that by clearing up the description and meaning of the three stages, you will better understand their function and purpose throughout your breeding program. This is a show you do not want to miss!
When creating a strain, next to acquiring the right knowledge and experience, there’s nothing more important than getting the right Seed Fowl. Starting with fowl that have many faults, is problematic at best. Can it be done. Yes, I’m a firm believer that you can create a strain from any cock and hen. But, the length of time it will take, and what they will ultimately turn out to be, will be the big question.