Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley – as they talk about the breeding of gamefowl and chickens, and the issues that affect breeders like you. In this episode of Bred to Perfection Live, we will be answering your questions. So, get your questions ready. Make sure to join us, this is a show you do not want to miss.
Ep172 – Should I Vaccinate my Fowl? With Peter Brown
When breeders ask me, “do you vaccinate your fowl?” I tell them, no! I practice good biosecurity and I keep a closed yard. However, this is a decision that you will have to make for yourself. You will need to evaluate your area, and decide if it is beneficial for you the vaccinate your fowl. Today, we are talking with Peter Brown about the proper use of vaccines, and whether you should vaccinate or not. Make sure to join us, this is a show you do not want to miss.
In this episode we will talk about the principles of selective breeding that all successful breeders use. In fact, I don’t know of anyone that is successful that does not practice these principles. We will talk about the quality of your seed fowl, how many offspring need to be reproduced in order to create a proper strain, and the consequences of breeding birds with faults, or breeding birds that are sick. Make sure to join us, this is a show you do not want to miss.
Ep170 – The 7 Need to Knows Before Creating Your Strain
How Do We Change Our False Beliefs About Breeding and Feeding? Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Frank Bradley as they talk about various subjects concerning breeding and health care, and the raising of gamefowl and chickens. In this episode, we will talk about “The 7 Need to Knows” that all breeders should consider before beginning their breeding programs, and going after their dreams of creating a strain.
Ep169 – Changing False Beliefs About Breeding
How Do We Change Our False Beliefs About Breeding and Feeding? Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Frank Bradley and Dr. Rachel Potter – Veterinarian, as they talk about various subjects concerning breeding and health care, and the raising of gamefowl and chickens. In this episode, we are going to challenge many of the Superstitions and Old Wives Tales that tend to hold many breeders back from creating a true strain. These are beliefs that are not backed up by science, but have been passed down generation to generation, with no evidence of their validity. They will also address many issues that Breeders like you are dealing with every day. We will also address our personal “Pet Peeves.” This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss. I know you will enjoy this episode, and learn a lot too.