The colonization of the New World was also responsible for the introduction of cockfighting in the American continents. A fact that many Americans don’t know is how significant a part of American history the gamecock actually is. In fact, cockfighting and horse-racing were the main source of entertainment of the time, with advertisements and results of derby’s and mains being published in the local newspapers.
History and Origins
Evolution of the Modern-Day Fowl
By what process has the small Junglefowl been converted into the breeds that we see today? What brought about the change that enables fowl, such as the American Gamecock of today to have the form and function, and the tenacious spirit of a modern-day gladiator? By what miracle has the American Game, become one of the most beautiful of all fowls, having various colors of feather, including top-knots, muffs, and large flowing tails? Well, natural selection had something to do with it, at least in the beginning, but the answer is simple, selective-breeding.
We covered this subject a little bit in previous pages. However, I would like to elaborate on this a bit more. The reason being is that there are some who are interested in chickens, fascinated with American Games, yet they are wondering if American Games are the right fowl for them. This will demonstrate how easy American Games are to keep and raise, and will illustrate many of their great attributes.
Early Distribution of the Gamecock
It all started with the Wild Junglefowl: The domestication of the Wild Junglefowl set in motion an amazing transformation in the animals that exist among us. Not only were they responsible for the creation and distribution of fowl throughout the world, but they have led to the creation of a large variety of chicken breeds, many of them strikingly beautiful, most of the highly functional. What was the link between the Wild Junglefowl and the modern day chicken? The answer is the gamecock.
What is the True Value and Worth of the American Gamecock?
There are many who question the value of American Games. But for those who breed and raise, and admire them, their true value and worth is obvious. They are the foundation and future security for all domestic chickens. Without American Games, the existence of the modern chicken, and the future of the egg and meat industry may be in question. In just a moment I will explain why.