By Kenny Troiano
Copyright © 2019 by Kenny Troiano/Maximus Troy Publications
Feed stores and mail-order hatcheries do a great job marketing and selling egg laying and meat chickens, not to mention general purpose breeds, but they miss the mark when it comes to producing and selling high quality show fowl. This is also true when it comes to American Games. The reason is that they have very little knowledge of the birds, their bloodlines, or the purpose for which they are bred. To the average person, they are just a pretty chicken.
The best place to buy high quality American Games is from a breeder who specializes in high quality American Games. I know this sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many people are selling fowl who don’t know what they are doing, and the quality of their fowl shows it.
I would also look for the breeder who specializes in only one or two varieties or strain,and has worked with the same family of fowl for a good long time. There is no way to breed and raise high quality fowl when you are placing your attention on a large number of different strains. You are diluting your efforts. Master Breeders know the value of “Specialization,” and they also know the value of “Purity of Blood.” The best breeders I know only raise one family, and they are smart to establish numerous lines within the same family. This allows them to keep the family going indefinitely; never having the need to infuse blood of birds outside the established family.
Master Breeders, not only breed for uniformity of the strain, but for attributes that are consistent of the proper American Game. For instance, some breeders look for good performance, while others look for good conformation of body and plumage color. Master Breeders look for the complete package. In their eyes, the birds must look good, act good, and perform good. One fault weakens the whole bird. By breeding for the whole package they leave nothing to chance, and the quality of their family improves every year.
Good breeders keep records of their breeding; they know the ancestry of every bird on their farm. They are able to properly predict the growth and development of the young stags and pullets. And they know the results of every breeding before putting the cock with the hen. Never, do they play the “let’s see what we get game.”
There is a big difference between a Master Breeder and someone who only breeds and sells crosses, just as there is a big difference between high quality fowl and mediocre fowl. High quality fowl are always of high quality. Fowl produced from crosses look great for a couple generations, but quickly deteriorate. As a friend of mine, Tony Saville, a Master Breeder in his own right, once told me, “Good breeders have good fowl, and good fowl come from good breeders.” Think about that one for a moment.
When you find the right breeder, I suggest that you make a personal visit so that you can see the birds up close. This will enable you to see the condition under which the birds live as well. Make sure to ask lots of questions, and never settle for second best.
I hope this helps you in the eventual improvement of your gamefowl. It is a long journey, but a worthwhile one. Good luck in the future, and take care.
I hope you enjoyed the article, and that the information which I provide helps you in advancing your family. Remember, if we all work harder to perpetuate superior fowl, fowl that have the complete package (appearance, temperament and performance), everyone benefits.
Hope you have a great breeding season.
Sincerely, Kenny Troiano