As a breeder, you have many tools that you can use to create and improve your strain. None are more important, or have the force to move your strain forward than that of Prepotency. The problem is, for many breeders, Hybrid Vigor gets all the credit. The truth of the matter, Prepotency and Hybrid Vigor are both incredible forces of nature, but are on opposite sides of the same coin. One is long lasting, and is passed down to future generations, while the other is short lived and can’t be reproduced or repeated.
Ep199 – The Truth About Crossbreeding and Infusion
Crossbreeding is a very common method of breeding, but many are using it for the wrong reasons. The truth is, there are some unintended consequences from using this method, many of them are long lasting, and could be detrimental to the breed. In this episode we will discuss what’s good about crossbreeding, but also what’s not so good about crossbreeding. We will tell you what others don’t want you to know. Hopefully, this episode will change the way you look at crossbreeding, and change the way you breed your fowl. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep198 – Words that Creates Controversies
Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Nancy Troiano and Frank Bradley – as they talk about the Art of Selective Breeding, and what it takes to create a strain. We address issues that affect breeders, just like you. In this episode of “Bred to Perfection Live,” we are going to discuss questions that I have asked my followers and members on my Facebook Page to contemplate, and today we are here to answer those questions. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep197 – Breeding Practices are Wrong, But Never Go Away
These are practices that have been used for years, but are not based on good science or good selective breeding practices, but never producing favorable results. These practices, or beliefs, arose suddenly, shared as if they were true, and adopted by others who were desperately looking for answers too. Not knowing whether they would work, and lacking any other ideas or ways of moving forward, they followed these practices and beliefs hoping they would give them the results they were looking for.
Ep196 – Is Purity of Blood a Reachable Goal?
This has been a controversial topic for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, what I noticed was, the people who said there were no such thing as a Pure Strain, were the same people who were always adding new blood. They were only breeding best to best, and their fowl looked mixed. On the other hand, the breeders who did believe in creating a Pure Strain, were the same breeders who would never think of adding new blood, and their fowl were great representatives of the breed, and were very uniform and consistent. This is a mind set that has been passed down, generation after generation. Some just follow without questions, some have tried but failed, and other just don’t care. But they all share the same problem, none of them know how to create and maintain a pure strain. In this episode, we will discuss why Purity of Blood is important, and hopefully encourage you to become a real breeder, and create your own strain. This is a show you do not want to miss!