A breeder, who starts with high quality fowl, which I like to call “Seed Fowl” or the “Adam and Eve” of any strain, is one with a huge advantage over those who don’t. By starting out with high quality seed fowl, and using proper selective breeding practices, along with hard culling, it’s not only a huge advantage, but it is the road to a successful strain.
Bred to Perfection Ep4 – Virulent Newcastle Disease (NDV)
Once again, the Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) is hitting Southern California hard and threaten other states as well. I felt compelled to enlighten you on the facts about this highly contagious disease, and what to do about it.
Interview with the Dr. Cantor about Newcastle’s Disease
Join Kenny and Nancy Troiano as they talk with Dr. Frederic Cantor with the USDA about the recent outbreak of Newcastle’s Disease. We talk about the progress that is being made to end the disease, and what backyard breeders can expect in the coming days and weeks. Make sure to take notes, the information Dr. Cantor provides is informative and valuable.
Bred to Perfection – Ep30- Interview with Don Schrider (Part 1)
Join Kenny and Nancy Troiano as they talk with Master Breeder and author Don Schrider, as they discuss the interesting subject of breeding, and what it takes to create a high quality strain.
Ep28 Breeders Roundtable with Aaron Baker
Aaron lives in Arkansas, and is a founding member of the Breeders Academy and a breeder of the Breed known as the Buckeyes. This breed is very special. It’s the only breed created by a woman. Nettie Metcalf create this breed in the late 19th century. The breed was almost lost, and only a handful of breeders even raised this breed.