What better way to do this than to have my mentor on the show, Tony Saville. I’m always talking about him on the show, and sharing what I learned from him through the years. Well, I have a very special treat for you. Today, we are talking with Tony. The man who has had a great influence on me, my thinking, and the way I select my brood fowl.
To fully understand what constitutes a strain, we must first recognize that all breeds of domestic chickens and gamefowl, that exist today, owe their origins to the Wild Red Junglefowl of South East Asia, and that they are the product of selective breeding.
Ep49 – Coaching Call with Karen Johnson
In this episode, we are talking with Karen Johnson, one of our members, about how to reduce the number of brood fowl, while maintaining a viable flock. Reducing the size of your strain has many benefits and many pitfalls.
For as long as I can remember the “Name Game” has been played to the hilt. What is the “Name Game?” It’s the label sellers place on their fowl to make them more appealing to buyers. American Games have a long history of breeders who have made a name for themselves from the reputation of their fowl. Because of this their fowl have lived long after they have gone, or at least their names have.
Ep48 – Interview with Danny Feathers
Danny Feathers is a Master Breeder of chickens and gamefowl and judge for the American Bantam Association. “Danny is the real deal.” He’s one of few breeders able to improve multiple breeds, and maintain high-quality strains.