In this episode, we are talking with Master Breeder and Author, Don Schrider, and Master Breeder and ABA Judge, Danny Feathers. Together, we answer many questions and discuss topics related to breeding, culling and selection, which were provided to us by our members and Facebook friends. Join us for lots of fun and laughs. Also, make sure to check out the show notes for a complete list of questions and topics that were covered.
In the following paragraphs, I will give you some basic guidelines for purchasing brood fowl that will save you considerable time and money.
Coaching Call with William Vogl
I’ve taught the art of selective breeding to many types of breeders, but the breeders I find extremely fascination are the small-scale commercial breeders. They are faced with a monumental problem, how to create a strain that can meet their production needs at a lower cost, do well in their particular environment, and have a high degree of constitutional vigor and good health. To make matters even more difficult, they want to create a strain that can improve each year without adding new, outside blood. In this episode, I will help Will Vogl of the Vogl Homestead Farm from Colorado, a small-scale poultry farmer, to turn his mixed flock of fowl into a productive and profitable family. No matter what fowl you raise, I believe you find this interesting and beneficial.
What is the role of an American Gamefowl guardian?It begins by protecting American Games from those who wish to harm them. Remember, by protecting American Games, we are also protecting the future of all fowl. For instance, there are numerous Animal Rights Organizations who are highly motivated in the extermination of the breed, and if allowed to accomplish their goals, would exterminate all breeds of chickens. They believe there is no reason to have them, and that they should be destroyed. In their minds extinction is the only solution. It’s ironic, but these are the same people who are supposed to be looking out for the welfare of all animals.
Ep51 – The Progeny will Prove the Worth of their Parents
Next to selection and knowing your strain really well, the progeny test may be the best tool we breeders have to determine the true value and worth of our brood fowl. In this episode, we will talk about why the progeny test is so important. And, why we believe this method is essential to creating and improving your strain.