A question I get often from our members is, as a breeder, what books are best, and which books should I get first? In this episode, we are going to share some of our favorite books on chickens and chicken breeding. Although we have thousands of books in our library, there’s a handful of books that are considered our go-to-books. These are the books we check out first, and are the most valuable in our collection.
The practice of culling should be from the day they hatch to their eventual death. Birds are culled for a variety of reasons, but in order to cull properly you must first understand what a cull is.
Ep61 – Mother Nature and the Natural Order of Selection
This episode is a recording from 22 years ago, with my mentor, Tony Saville. We talk about natural selection and artificial selection, and its relationship to the breeding of chickens and gamefowl. I know you will find this very informative.
Some breeders concentrate all their attention on the qualities of an individual brood cock or brood hen, and not on the continuation of the bloodline. These are people that are always in constant search for new blood. They are looking for great performers, but have no idea whether they are prepotent (which simply means, they are able to transmit their characteristics to their offspring consistently), or have an ancestry to draw from, when it comes to great performance characteristics.
Summer is here and things are beginning to warm up. If you are like me, you dread this time of year. However, this is not the time to slack off and neglect your fowl. This is the time of year that they need our attention the most.