Ancient people had no interest in standards of uniformity, and they would preserve the strange and unusual, or abnormal birds. As a result, new types would evolve. They also looked for birds with beneficial traits that were, not so much highly desired, but beneficial for the period.
Ep55 – The Value of Breeding to Age and Youth
In this episode, Kenny Troiano and his wife, Nancy are talking about why the “Age” of your brood fowl is so important the viability of your strain. And, why you should always make sure to breed to youth. If you are in favor of breeding your stags with your pullets, or breeding your old cock with your old hens, this show is for you.
Although it is possible to start with hybrid crosses or mongrel flocks (we teach you how in the Breeders Academy), it will take a considerable amount of time to make significant progress. It is best to start with a family of fowl that has the capacity to improve. This comes from a well-bred bloodline. Select a family that presently expresses the traits that you desire, and carry on a breeding program that will continue to improve their overall form and function.
Ep54 Breeders Roundtable with Frank Bradley
In this episode, we are talking with Frank Bradley, a breeder of American Games, who lives in Kentucky. We discuss topics related to breeding, culling and selection. We also talk about the Breeders Academy, and what the website has to offer breeders like you. If you are interested in someday joining the Academy, this is a good episode to listen to. Also, make sure to check out the show notes for a complete list of questions and topics that were covered.
While, selecting brood fowl from an established brood pen sounds great, the truth is, it can be somewhat problematic, such as, convincing the breeder to let them go. Many breeders typically don’t sell their brood fowl. If they do, you can be certain they will ask a much higher price. If the breeder is willing to sell some of his brood fowl, plan on paying much more for them. I would also be interested in knowing why he is willing to sell them. Don’t be afraid to ask important questions. This will help you to evaluate the breeder and the quality and integrity of his fowl.