Crossbreeding is the mating of one breed to another, such as an American Game with an Aseel. In the world of American Games, it can arguably be said that the breeding of unrelated strains, such as a Hatch over a Sweater, or a Hatch from one breeder to a Hatch of another is crossbreeding. Anytime you introduce new blood, you are essentially crossbreeding.
Ep66 – The Buckeye Recovery Project with Don Schrider
Today we are talking with Don Schrider, who was instrumental in bringing back the Buckeye Chicken. A very special breed, that is not only an American Breed, but was created by a woman, Nettie Metcalf, from Ohio, in the early 1900’s.
nce you know the kind of fowl you want, and who you are going to buy them from, the next step is to decide whether to purchase brood pairs or trios, quail size pairs or trios, baby chicks or hatching eggs. Each has its advantages as well as its disadvantages.
Ep65 – Coaching Call with Kevin Neilson
In this episode, I help Kevin Neilson, from Florida to develop a breeding program for each of his strains. He wants to make sure he is starting on the right foot, and doing everything properly at the right time.
When combining the functions of “Selective Progression” and the “Consolidation of Characteristics,” you should consider the genetic factor, and its influence on the strain. By knowing how genes operate in relation to the natural laws of selective breeding, it allows the breeder to predict which birds will nick best. It will alsodetermine which traits will improve the strain and which traits will destroy the strain.