In this episode, we are talking with a fish breeder. What’s interesting here is that he uses the same breeding methods as chicken breeders. He has a wonderful understanding of genetics, and many of his goals are the same as ours. There is a lot all of us can learn from this interview.
There are many ways to purchase fowl, but the best way to purchase potential foundation fowl is in person. The reason I mention this, again and again, is that I get so many calls from those who have purchased fowl through the mail, and were extremely disappointed.
Surviving the Heat – Helping your chickens get through the high summer heat.
Here’s a few tips that will help you to get through the heat wave.
The Gamecock and the New World
The colonization of the New World was also responsible for the introduction of cockfighting in the American continents. A fact that many Americans don’t know is how significant a part of American history the gamecock actually is. In fact, cockfighting and horse-racing were the main source of entertainment of the time, with advertisements and results of derby’s and mains being published in the local newspapers.
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we are talking about what constitutes contamination and the effects it can have on your strain and the future of their breed. Whether you are creating a strain, or working to improve an established strain, the introduction of the wrong blood can set you back for years. It could even destroy the strain forever. Join us as we talk about what this means and how to prevent this from happening to you and your strain.