The Cockatrice first began to take shape in the late 14th century. This mythical beast had the head of a rooster while its body was dragon like, with a long, strong tail. Some believed the Cockatrice was imagined from the Archaeopteryx dinosaur because it resembles it quite a bit. The cockatrice was about the size of a chicken, sparrow or, in some reports, as big as a dragon.
Ep76 – Biosecurity Basics with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo about the practice and importance of biosecurity. Most Breeders don’t understand biosecurity, and the importance of keeping your bird safe from the exposure of disease. Some of us have strains that we’ve been keeping for over 30 years. Losing our birds to disease would be a travesty. What we are going to talk about today, if you follow it, will save your flock, and protect those valuable and irreplaceable strains. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you do not want to miss.
Ep74 – Coaching Call with Mike Badger
In this episode, we are helping Mike Badger, host of the popular poultry show, called “The Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast,” To create a strain that can meet his needs, and the needs of his customers. Does he breed, raise and sell pure fowl, or does he use his pure fowl to create hybrid crosses? Join our conversation as we discuss ways to achieve his goals. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you will not want to miss.
Ep73 – The Gamefowl Wellness Program with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo from UC Davis about their new Gamefowl Wellness Program, which is designed to help backyard breeder, specially, breeders of American Games, to raise and breed healthier birds, and to protect their birds from future outbreaks of Newcastle’s Disease. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you will not want to miss.
Acquiring your first breeding trio is a thrill beyond description. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For most it becomes an obsession that will last a lifetime.