In this episode we talk about the Type and Conformation of Body. Although we use American and Old English Games as the model, the information is applicable for most breeds of chickens. We all want birds that can perform and reach their potential. Well, this is not going to happen with a family with good conformation of body. Listen in as we take the bird apart and put back together again. That’s right, we study all the parts that make up the whole, and their importance. This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss.
Ep79 – The New Blood Syndrome and Members Coaching Call
In this episode we address a belief many breeders share, and that is, “it’s better to introduce new blood rather than to create their own strain.” Listen in as we discuss why adding and infusing new blood is not the answer, and that there is a better way. There are many misconceptions that breeders use to justify this practice, and we address them here. We also talk with one of our members of the Breeders Academy, and help her to reach her goals. This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss.
Chicken Fun Zone – Our Favorite Chicken Movie, The Egg and I
Welcome to another episode of “Bred to Perfection,” The Fun Zone Edition. These Fun Zones are great, especially for us, because we are able to fly off the cuff, sort of speak, and just have fun. We are unscripted and never know what is going to happen. I do very little editing on these episodes as well. So what you see is what you get. It’s the real and raw of the Troiano family. If you want to get to know me, and my family, this is the place for that.
Ep78 – Fowl Pox with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Today, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, a Poultry Veterinarian from UC Davis.
In this episode, we will talk about Fowl Pox, what causes the disease, how to prevent infection, and what to do if your birds get infected. This is an episode of Bred to Perfection that you do not want to miss.
Ten Reasons to Start Over
Everyone knows about inbreeding, linebreeding, outcrossing and infusion. But, no one knows why they are doing it, or when they should do it. They think those methods are the means to the end, when in reality, they are only tools used in a bigger more complete breeding program.