The Mechanisms of Evolution, and how it Relates to the Creation of our Strains
In celebration of Darwin’s Day, we’re going to talk about how evolution and selective breeding are very similar, and how we can use the mechanisms of evolution to create and improve our strains. Darwin and his theory of evolution had a huge influence on my thinking, and how I breed my fowl. And, evolution had an enormous impact on the creation of my signature breeding program, known as the “Founders Program.” Join us as we discuss this fascinating topic. I promise, you will never look at breeding, or evolution the same way again.
Ep116 – Evolution vs Selective Breeding Part 1
In celebration of Darwin’s Day, we’re going to talk about how evolution and selective breeding are very similar, and how we can use the mechanisms of evolution to create and improve our strains. Darwin and his theory of evolution had a huge influence on my thinking, and how I breed my fowl. And, evolution had an enormous impact on the creation of my signature breeding program, known as the “Founders Program.”
Ep115 – Genetics Simplified (Advanced Genetics) Part 3
This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on genetics. In this episode we will dive into Advanced Genetics. Breeding and creating a strain is governed by 3 important laws of nature, such as the environment, nutrition, and the traits they inherit. In other words, genetics. However, just the idea of genetics can be intimidating for many new breeders, and some veteran as well.
Ep114 – Genetics Simplified (Mendelian Genetics) Part 2
This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on genetics. In this episode we will dive into the principles of Mendelian Genetics. Breeding and creating a strain is governed by 3 important laws of nature, such as the environment, nutrition, and the traits they inherit. In other words, genetics. However, just the idea of genetics can be intimidating for many new breeders, and some veteran as well.
Ep113 – Genetics Simplified (Introduction)
Breeding and creating a strain is governed by 3 important laws of nature, such as the environment, nutrition, and the traits they inherit. In other words, genetics. However, just the idea of genetics can be intimidating for many new breeders, and some veteran as well. Many even avoid genetics, mostly because it can seem confusing and difficult to understand and use. It is my hope that we can show you, not only why genetic is important, but also how to use it in the improvement and creation of your strains. Once you understand the basics, many other topics concerning breeding will become clearer.