There’s a lot of confusion in this area. I see so many breeders calling their Foundation Fowl “Seed Fowl”, and calling their Seed Fowl “Foundation Fowl.” To make matters worse, they skip any and all regards or reference to the stage in the middle, the Transitional Stage, which I call my Transitional Fowl. It is my hope that by clearing up the description and meaning of the three stages, you will better understand their function and purpose throughout your breeding program. This is a show you do not want to miss!
When creating a strain, next to acquiring the right knowledge and experience, there’s nothing more important than getting the right Seed Fowl. Starting with fowl that have many faults, is problematic at best. Can it be done. Yes, I’m a firm believer that you can create a strain from any cock and hen. But, the length of time it will take, and what they will ultimately turn out to be, will be the big question.
Ep158 – All About Worms with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Join Kenny Troiano and Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, a Poultry Veterinarian from UC Davis, as they discuss the devastating effects of Worms. We all know about worms, and how they can affect the health of our strains. However, many don’t realize that they are over-worming their birds, using toxic drugs and pesticides. In this episode we are going to talk about the various worms, and their effects on our fowl, and how to control them. We are also going to talk about the effects of the medications and wormers have on our fowl. In short, we will learn how to protect our fowl, and how often we should use wormers. This is a show you do not want to miss!
Ep157 – The Dangers of Defects
Join Kenny Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they talk about defects and why they are detrimental to the success and future of our strain, and why it’s important to recognize and cull all fowl expressing defects. The truth is, most breeders are not aware of half the defects that exist. It could be sitting right in front of them, and they would not see it. Are they just yard blind, or just unaware of what they are looking at, not knowing it’s, in fact, a defect. In this episode we will discuss just that. We will talk about many of the defects that exist, the importance of locating and recognizing these defects, and why it’s important to cull them. We will even talk about ways to improve a strain that is affected by defects. This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss. I know you will enjoy this episode, and learn a lot too.
Ep156 – Why 85 Percent of the Breeders are on the Wrong Path
In this episode of Bred to Perfection, we will talk about why 85 percent of all breeders are failing to create or improve their strains. We will it break down into 4 separate categories, such as: The Ignorant Breeder, The Neglectful Breeder, The Mixer and Cross-breeders, And, the Accidental Breeder, and discuss who they are and ways to improving them, and why some will succeed and others will fail. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you will not want to miss.