How Do We Change Our False Beliefs About Breeding and Feeding? Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Frank Bradley as they talk about various subjects concerning breeding and health care, and the raising of gamefowl and chickens. In this episode, we will talk about “The 7 Need to Knows” that all breeders should consider before beginning their breeding programs, and going after their dreams of creating a strain.
Ep169 – Changing False Beliefs About Breeding
How Do We Change Our False Beliefs About Breeding and Feeding? Join Kenny Troiano and his co-hosts, Frank Bradley and Dr. Rachel Potter – Veterinarian, as they talk about various subjects concerning breeding and health care, and the raising of gamefowl and chickens. In this episode, we are going to challenge many of the Superstitions and Old Wives Tales that tend to hold many breeders back from creating a true strain. These are beliefs that are not backed up by science, but have been passed down generation to generation, with no evidence of their validity. They will also address many issues that Breeders like you are dealing with every day. We will also address our personal “Pet Peeves.” This episode is packed with great information, and one you do not want to miss. I know you will enjoy this episode, and learn a lot too.
Ep168 – Preventing Disease Using a Good Biosecurity Program with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo about the practice and importance of biosecurity. Most Breeders don’t understand biosecurity and the importance of keeping your bird safe from the exposure of disease. Some of us have strains that we’ve been keeping for over 30 years. Losing our birds to disease would be a travesty. What we are going to talk about today, if you follow it, will save your flock, and protect those valuable and irreplaceable strains. There’s a lot of good information packed into this episode that I know you do not want to miss.
Ep167 – The Name Game and the Mongrelization of a Breed
The title says it all. The Name Game has been used for many decades, and for many reasons, but we are never going to improve our fowl, or the breeders who breed them, until we stop using old names of strains that don’t exist anymore. It’s also a big reason why many breeders play the Percentage Game. They use the Name Game and Percentage Game to place greater value to birds that no longer represent their breed. The sad truth is, it’s turning a great breed into nothing more than a mongrel breed. The Name Game and the Percentage Game is a peddler’s playground, and it’s holding back many Breeders, especially our beginners. The big question is, what can we do about it?
Ep166 – Breeding, Genetics, and Creating a Strain
Breeding and creating a strain is governed by 3 important laws, such as the environment, nutrition, and the traits they inherit. In other words, genetics. However, just the idea of genetics can be intimidating for many new breeders, and some veteran as well. Many even avoid genetics, mostly because it can seem confusing and difficult to understand, and they don’t know how to use it in their breeding programs. It is my hope that we can show you, not only why genetic is important, but also how to use it in the improvement and creation of your strains. Once you understand the basics, many other topics concerning breeding will become clearer.