Today, things have changed a lot. Not only do they not know about conformation, they are confusing body carriage with station of leg. Just ask 100 people what the difference is between body carriage and station of leg, and you’ll get 100 different answers. When you challenge their beliefs about type, conformation and carriage, most don’t know what you’re talking about. They think all are one in the same. Once you explain it to them, they see the difference. However, when you ask them how those relate to the station of leg, you see that there is a complete disconnect or quite a bit of confusion in this area. They tend to ignore type and conformation, and they confuse body carriage with station of leg.
Ep184 – All About Worms – How Much is Too Much?
Join Kenny Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they discuss the misconceptions surrounding worms. We all know about worms, and how they can affect the health of our strains. However, many don’t realize that they are over-worming their birds, using toxic drugs and pesticides. In this episode we are going to talk about the effects of medications and wormers. In short, we will learn how to protect our fowl, and how often we should use wormers. Make sure to join us, because this is a show you do not want to miss.
Join Kenny Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they discuss the misconceptions surrounding “who is most important, the cock, or the hen.” The discussion about who is more valuable, the cock or hen, is as old as the chicken itself. It has been a huge debate for as long as I can remember. Everyone has an opinion, but who is right? Many say it’s the cock. But when you look at it more closely, you see how superficial their reasoning actually is. It’s based on old wive’s tales and superstitions. It’s not practical or realistic. On the other hand, many have said that the hen is more important, but very few know why. This way of thinking makes the selecting of hens, ones that have the ability to improve strains, much harder. How can you create or improve your strains, if you don’t know who is more important, cock or hen, and why? In this episode we will discuss this very controversial subject, and hopefully shed new light, and open your mind to a new way of thinking. Make sure to join us, because this is a show you do not want to miss.
Ep182 – Breeding Questions and Misconceptions – What do we really know?
If you are one of my Facebook followers, you may have noticed that I have been posting daily tips and pics, which are designed to enlighten you on the practices of true selective breeding. Well, this is also true for the Weekly Questions I’ve been posting for my followers. They are designed to challenge what […]
Ep181 – Healthy Practices for Healthy Fowl
You may want to create a strain, but you can’t create a strain when there are factors working against you around every corner. There is more to breeding than making sure you are using the proper breeding program or making sure you get good chickens. The truth is, you can’t create a strain with sick or diseased fowl. You can’t create a strain using poor management practices. And you can’t create a strain when dealing with a poor environment. There are many factors you will need to consider, before buying that expensive trio, and before beginning the breeding process. Hopefully this will clear up a lot of the misinformation that’s out there. This is a show you do not want to miss.